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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 你地認不認為現在那套英文書太淺?
樓主: patrick007

你地認不認為現在那套英文書太淺? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-28 14:34 |只看該作者
個人認為, my pals 只係深在vocab, grammar 比起 longman express 唔算特別深...

做高一年級的練習也是個方法, 但如果學校未教過, 你又expect 佢會自己識, 似乎唔係咁實際 ..... 除非家長肯付出時間自己教和給小朋友做練習... (舉例說, 學校教了present & past tense, 小朋友都掌握得好好, 你無啦啦比一些future tense 的練習佢做, 佢唔識係自然的事, 除非(1) 你自己教佢 or (2) 佢接觸過 - 而睇書係其中一個途徑)

我的經驗: 當時囡囡二年級上學期, 學了present, past, present continuous tense, 有次習我比一個mixed tenses 的exercise 佢做, 其中有一條係 she __________ (do) ballet tomorrow. 結果佢識填 will do, 我問佢, 佢話: 成日都聽見你同工人講 she will 乜乜 tomorrow, 咁我睇過書有will 字, 咪識law !

原文章由 cam_KeesBG 於 08-7-28 00:35 發表


但現實係...要為小朋友考試成績著想, 尤其係小一、二~
好多小朋友都唔係唔識, 而係唔習慣做題.....@@"

有時候, 都要向現實低頭~ 唯有平衡一下, 做下睇下書~ ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-28 17:45 |只看該作者
原文章由 breefan 於 08-7-28 14:34 發表
個人認為, my pals 只係深在vocab, grammar 比起 longman express 唔算特別深...

Agree, not much grammar coverage in the My Pals textbook.  
Maybe this is why my girl's school uses both My pals and another grammar book together.  
Do other schools have extra grammar book for English language class?

Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-28 23:42 |只看該作者
原文章由 BoBoCute 於 08-7-28 17:45 發表

Agree, not much grammar coverage in the My Pals textbook.  
Maybe this is why my girl's school uses both My pals and another grammar book together.  
Do other schools have extra grammar book for Eng ...

Of course...Most of school usually use a extra grammar book that it cover all the Grammar item.  

Apart from the grammar practice book, the school will offer some grammar worksheet to the student that they can understand the usage of english clearly.

[ 本文章最後由 patrick007 於 08-7-28 23:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-29 01:14 |只看該作者
I hate those worksheets, too many of them.  Why can't a publisher design a comprehensive grammar book to save us the trouble of filing the handouts.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-30 13:57 |只看該作者
Me too.  I also want to know the comment for Oxford's series.  Would you mind all BK's guys to share the experience with us?

原文章由 takma 於 08-7-27 23:52 發表
How about Oxford New Magic? It seems that this textbook is not so common (compared with Longmon). Anyone know its standard?
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