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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 頂住條氣...
樓主: cwspsp

頂住條氣... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-1-25 15:21 |只看該作者
我6個月帶bb去playgroup, 同事都話咁細就帶。我當時既心態係當親子時間,唔係想佢學d乜野, 因為平時工人同婆婆揍bb,我驚bb唔黏我,所以星期六日就同佢去playgroup玩, 希望嗰d時間只係得我同bb。依家bb13個月大,佢都好黏我,所以我覺得冇問題。 如果唔返playgroup,佢當時得6個月,一定要抱又唔識爬,我都唔知帶佢去邊到玩,係playgroup就可以放低佢玩。

Rank: 2

發表於 11-1-25 15:51 |只看該作者
bb sign都好好,不過我係搵tutor教咗我地大人之後自己教bb(因為form唔到playgroup),當bb語言表達能力未成熟時同佢溝通到,真係好開心﹗

原帖由 himuimui 於 11-1-25 15:11 發表
hahaha. Don't be upset. They are not mama so they don't understand. Even some have kids also said " why playgroup " to me. My boy attend since 4 months ( baby sign ) to now. I only treat BB went to pl ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-25 16:08 |只看該作者
幾時開始返o什麼類型嘅playgroup, 只要唔過量, 完全係好事。我們這一代的爸媽好多都冇經驗 …有咩方法教,同佢玩咩遊戲,bb應該做到d乜 etc …除咗比bb玩, 父母學嘅嘢可能重多。
nys262, 如果你唔到奶粉, 你有冇入會, 打去熱線問吓佢哋有d服務可以幫到你

Rank: 1

發表於 11-1-25 16:28 |只看該作者
我o個兩個同事係around 30架喇, 不過就未結婚未有小朋友law... 其實我都知無謂激氣, 反正個囡係我又唔係佢... 所以o係度呻下, 順番條氣呀~

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-25 18:30 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-25 19:23 |只看該作者
Yes, I can't believe parents let their babies to join playgroups so early and so many in the past.

After my baby was borned and when he was 6 mths old, I let him join gym class to see if he like it....finally we have 2 gym classes a week as he loves it so much as we (hb and I) have fun and feel happy to see his happy face during the class.

Last Nov, I tried language class as my baby can only speak a few words and now he is 19 mths, though I don't know it is good or not as there are different views.

He had his first Spanish and the teacher is great, makes the lessons interesting and even my hb and I want to learn Spanish when we attended the class with my baby. Now, we can see him have fun in the class, looks at the teachers' lip and tries to pronouce the words (he seldom does this at home). My maid says he doesn't want to leave every time after classes. As English and Mandarin are useful for him in the future, we will try to have them in Feb, see if he enjoys; actually it is only 6 mths earlier as he will learn them in Pre-nursery.

We have other playgroups as well, some teaching them how to do things like tidy up, pull the chair, put the food in the plate and eat, and throw away rubbish and clean his hands by himself. Though you can say parents can do it ourself, but we always need to work late and, it is much better than letting the babies playing with toys and "chat" and "learn" the language from my maid.

Many of my friends also critize if it is necessary to have so many pg. Actually it is only 1 or 2 class a day from Tue to Friday, 45 min@, so it takes him 1.5 hrs a day to learn or "play" and try to have his "social life" with other babies and adults. And we have some on Sat, that we will go with him and there we can see how much fun he has.

The most important to me on whether to have how many and which pgs is, it won't make him feel tired (as it takes 1.5 hrs a day after he wakes up and have milk, the most active timing), and he has fun and enjoys it.

We tried music when he was one but he didn't like it so we didn't join any. Now we will have trial again in Feb as he may like it as he grows up a bit; if not, just forget it.

So, I would only pick those that he loves them and can learn something there.

But yes, as what you said......many people always think their views are "absolutely right" and you need to follow their "instructions. They won't accept other views or even listen to your reasonale behind.........so I will feel mad when they "speak words" to me also.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-25 22:56 |只看該作者
唔好理佢啦, 而家報 playgroup 既心態其實都係想個小朋友去玩下, playgroup 都係去玩多, 咁都叫谷個小朋友

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-26 00:45 |只看該作者
其實有不同的人對playgroup有不同看法好正常, 基本上playgroup 的宗旨是好的. 我BB好早已上. 反而我會focus什麼playgroup會學到野而又快樂.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-26 00:51 |只看該作者

回復 28# 3pigmama 的帖子

agree. Me too, only picks those my baby enjoys (you can see from his happy face), won't disturb his rest time (only 1.5 hrs a day in the morning after he wakes up and have milk and it is his most active time, and won't do harm to my baby.

Yes, let's share. I do join playgroups, really hard to serach details/information for good one like music class and any other interesting class. Hope mammys can share their views....just try to find the best or with good comments, as we spend $ ga ma.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-26 01:33 |只看該作者
Hi mommies,
My son is now 2 and he's been attending playgroup lessons since he was 4 months old and now he has Eng + PTH playgroup everyday and each lesson lasts for 45 min.

I think other people just misunderstand that playgroups are only for the babies.  In fact, from the playgroup lessons, we as parent can learn from the teachers of how we play and communicate with our babies.  I learn all the kids' songs and rhyms from playgroups (before that I only could sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Mary Had a Little Lamb).  I even got a copy of the lyrics of every songs from the playgroups and learnt every word by heart, so that I can sing to my son everyday.

I guess what the teachers say and do during playgroup classes are really good example for us as being a new mom to learn.  Of course, it also depends on the quality of the playgroup that we select.

Playgroup is also a great chance not only for my son to make friends with other babies, but also me to know other mommies and the teachers too.  We can do a lot of sharing during/after classes.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 11-1-26 05:00 |只看該作者
原帖由 梅媽媽 於 11-1-25 18:30 發表

同意 !!

若要人似我,除非兩個我;樓主,加油呀 !!

發表於 11-1-26 08:38 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-26 09:44 |只看該作者
通常無小朋友的朋友都會問我點解6個月已經開始要上pg,質疑效用; 而我那些已有仔女或已懷孕的朋友就會成日問我上咩pg的意見。


算啦! 你那些同事到時就明啦! 宜家最緊要係你及你先生覺得自己為女兒作出的選擇是最好的。

Rank: 2

發表於 11-1-26 11:25 |只看該作者
3pigmama and momo627,


我講吓自己經驗,bb 9個月左右我地就上幼潛,上到宜家第4個course,應該會係最後一期。我個人同bb都得著好多,所以2nd b我都會幫佢報,希望抽到啦﹗

另外bb sign同rightmind既理論我都幾認同,bb sign我就係自己教,kinder u因為近屋企同埋我阿b唔係好鍾意我同佢flash(可能我flash得唔好),所以淨係上playgroup,7-8個月時開始上,到15m左右我開始同佢報language既playgroup先停。



Rank: 2

發表於 11-1-26 11:57 |只看該作者
衣家好多生得一個,係獨子/女,越早俾小朋友知道個世界唔只得佢一個好重要架,我都覺得呀B返playgroup其實都係去小朋友玩下,早啲發展佢既social skills啫 只要係開心既,又學到野,唔使理人點講啦
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