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教育王國 討論區 嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校 Any chance to change to English Math?
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Any chance to change to English Math? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-24 01:31 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear current and up-coming moms of St Mary's,

What's your opinion if the school will teach English Math?  Frankly, it's my wish cause I think it's better to hook up with its secondary system.

Heard from news that the govt is evaluating the "Mother-tongue" educational system upon the 10-yr implementation.  They tend to give more freedom to schools to pick teaching material.

I wish St Mary's could go back to all-English syllabus as years b4.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-24 22:26 |只看該作者

As I know, St. Mary's are using English Maths as teaching materials from the 2nd term of Pr 6 students.


Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-25 00:05 |只看該作者
I'm hoping they can use Eng Math throughout primary years (like b4 when I studied there).  I don't know how to help my daughter with Chinese Math (P1-3 should be ok but after that is very difficult, I heard).  She'll start this Sept.  

Just wonder how the other parents would think.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-25 17:12 |只看該作者

請恕我直言, 想學校轉英數談何容易。每年約有一半學生是派位入來, 同學可接受英語教學的能力已經有參次了, 加埋女仔學習數學的能力又有參次, 所以加埋其他的未知因數, 學習英數對一些同學有困難。另外, 學校用的數學教科書已經是比較其他同級數的數學書高半級, 我個人覺得已經好好了。

若可以更改, 我返而想學校加多些 readers. 我嫌 New Welcome English 比較少 volcab.  以前我們用好多 readers, 我地的 人腦 volcab 庫 儲存大量英文生字, 相對之下就略嫌不足了。 我擔心囡囡到 pr5 才用readers 會太遲了.


Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-25 20:28 |只看該作者
原文章由 Marians 於 08-2-25 17:12 發表

請恕我直言, 想學校轉英數談何容易。每年約有一半學生是派位入來, 同學可接受英語教學的能力已經有參次了, 加埋女仔學習數學的能力又有參次, 所以加埋其他的未知因數, 學習英數對一些同學有困難。另外, 學校 ...

Dear Marian,

Got your point.  But Maryknoll can do it I just don't understand why St Mary's can't.  It's so unfair overall in HK so less English primary schools (free) left to choose.  I think the market is big.  

In fact, I think more than half of the students get tutor class outside anyway.  Don't u agree parents pick this school is because of the "quality" of education provided?!

I'm just depressed by the HK govt.:;pppp:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-26 08:35 |只看該作者
Dear Marians,

Do you know why SMCS changed from English primary school to Chinese primary school a few years ago?  I also agree that they should have more readers.  It seems that there is no enough exercises/drills for them particularly in English.  Please share.

原文章由 Marians 於 08-2-25 17:12 發表

請恕我直言, 想學校轉英數談何容易。每年約有一半學生是派位入來, 同學可接受英語教學的能力已經有參次了, 加埋女仔學習數學的能力又有參次, 所以加埋其他的未知因數, 學習英數對一些同學有困難。另外, 學校 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-2-26 10:38 |只看該作者
原文章由 wildberries 於 08-2-25 20:35 發表
Dear Marians,

Do you know why SMCS changed from English primary school to Chinese primary school a few years ago?  I also agree that they should have more readers.  It seems that there is no enough e ...

Marians raised a good point as the school needs to
balance the english standard of students with different
background.  They have already taught English based on 1 level higher curriculum.  What they can do more is to
encourage students to read more, and parents also need
to support this initiative through training up the reading
habits for their kids.  We just can't rely on the school
alone, I have been reading with my daughter everyday   
for the past 4 years and it helps a lot in terms of
senctence construction and vocab.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-2-26 15:14 |只看該作者
Welcome your kid to be a St. Marian
In my opinion, there is no difference for a six-year-old girl  to learn Maths either in Eng or Chinese.  She is beginning what the adventure of study in a new academy.  She is going to be smart in everything if she studies hard to read and explore.  Thanks for your attention .

原文章由 fitmum 於 08-2-24 01:31 發表
Dear current and up-coming moms of St Mary's,

What's your opinion if the school will teach English Math?  Frankly, it's my wish cause I think it's better to hook up with its secondary system.

Heard  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-26 19:52 |只看該作者

I also got a friend whose daughter is Pr 3 in Maryknoll.  My friend commented that the Eng Math is more straight forward than outside Chinese Math supp exercises.

As I said before, parents like this school because:
1) high standard secondary school back up 一條龍
2) 有實力得黎, 又保持低調


原文章由 fitmum 於 08-2-25 20:28 發表

Dear Marian,

Got your point.  But Maryknoll can do it I just don't understand why St Mary's can't.  It's so unfair overall in HK so less English primary schools (free) left to choose.  I think the  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-26 20:11 |只看該作者

我估是跟從政府的母語教學政策有關, 津貼校便要接受監察和建議。

其實我的女兒已經 Pr4, 英文的水平都可以, 學校教英文的方法幾 step by step. 最重要學校會要求同學睇好多課外書, 若果小朋友真的培養到閱讀的興趣, 自己從各類書去尋找答案, 甘就發達, 對將來有很大益處。


原文章由 wildberries 於 08-2-26 08:35 發表
Dear Marians,

Do you know why SMCS changed from English primary school to Chinese primary school a few years ago?  I also agree that they should have more readers.  It seems that there is no enough e ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-2-27 01:29 |只看該作者
原文章由 kiiiiiller 於 08-2-26 15:14 發表
Welcome your kid to be a St. Marian
In my opinion, there is no difference for a six-year-old girl  to learn Maths either in Eng or Chinese.  She is beginning what the adventure of study i ...

Exactly!  To be consistent with "one-dragon" to secondary, all kids will face all-English syllabus anyway so why not start from 6-yr-old.  They can pick up foreign language at early age easily.  That's how my generation was brought up.  We didn't even have much outside school support (plus most parents at that time were not as educated as now) but we all survived.  It really made us more capable in latter years.
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