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教育王國 討論區 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 Are your kid ready to self-study one year grammer du ...
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Are your kid ready to self-study one year grammer during summer time (G1~G4) ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-19 23:27 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I just got another notice about upgrading the grammer practice book next year for G1 ~ G4 students.  Students will skip one grade next year. Students have to do one year grammer book in summer time themselves.  It sounds my son's life is tough as well.
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Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 08-6-20 00:04 |只看該作者
原文章由 chunhei 於 08-6-19 23:27 發表
I just got another notice about upgrading the grammer practice book next year for G1 ~ G4 students.  Students will skip one grade next year. Students have to do one year grammer book in summer time th ...

暑假很漫長, 花些時間溫習也是好的. 當然家長也要注意小朋友在英文方面是否能跟上, 如果有問題應該盡早和校方商討對策.

其實我是in favour of this decision, 因為我也想囡囡英文方面再進步, 驟聽加深一個grade好像很快,但低年班程度很淺,我想應該不會有太明顯分別.

平日囡囡只愛看中文書, 英文書就只愛看magic key系列. 最近在同事介紹下亦開始訂閱了一份叫daily 7的英文報紙給她看, 她未真的會看, 但也盡量替她翻譯一下, 除了吸收世界新聞, 也增進一點volcabularies, 希望在家校互相配合下, 對不是以英語為母語的小朋友會多點接觸到英語.

[ 本文章最後由 edea 於 08-6-20 00:13 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-20 00:07 |只看該作者
我女現G2, 今學期用Grammar Practice 3A, 所以暑假要完成3B. 低年班內容較淺, 大部份幼稚園時學過吓, 暫時覺得OK.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-20 02:19 |只看該作者

Joy & Excellence

copy 左我稍前响另外一個 thread 里面既小小睇法 :
如果小朋友跟得上, 學習壓力又唔大, 日日開開心心咁返學, 放學之後好快做完功課, 仲有好多時間做自已鐘意做既野, 咁課程加快D就冇問題喎, 你話係咪 ?

我大仔讀 G1, 學習情況就係咁樣, 一方面學快D, 同時又讀得開心, 冇乜壓力, 我都好滿意。

G1 而家既課程加快情況如下,

1)  數學快半年, G1 下學期完成 G2 上學期既課本
2)  英文 textbook 採用國際課本, 情度較本地課程快一至二年;      至于 Grammer 就用本地書, 快半年, G1 下學期教完 2A

下學年就 Grammer 再快半年, G2 一開始就用 3A。

好似話老師會响考試後, 會將 Grammer 2B 重點教吓, 之後响暑假既時刻, 家長就要幫助小朋友, 完成本 2B 書。

其實本 Grammer 2B 書, 得 30 頁左右, 又有 answer 比埋, 教師又重點教過, 我唸家長都可以應付倒; 咁花 D 功夫, 自已小朋友就可以學好 D 英文, 我覺得係值得既。

其實優才 D 學生英文都好好, G1 有幾個仲係以英語為 mother tongue 既; 既然 Textbook English 已經高1 至 2 年, 咁 Grammer 高 1 年都好正常姐, 你話係咪 ?


[ 本文章最後由 中天英 於 08-6-20 02:32 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-20 09:58 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-21 00:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 edea 於 08-6-20 00:04 發表

暑假很漫長, 花些時間溫習也是好的. 當然家長也要注意小朋友在英文方面是否能跟上, 如果有問題應該盡早和校方商討對策.

其實我是in favour of this decision, 因為我也想囡囡英文方面再進步, 驟聽加深一個grade ...

I dont think I am totally against the idea but I just worry about the short notice.  My son already planned for two weeks oversea study trip with many different activities such as olympic math, table tennis.. I am not sure how much time he can squeeze for additional work including school summer work.  Orginally, I would like my son to spend more time in the countryside in beautiful summer holiday rather than spending time on study table.  Anyway, the plan has to be changed now. Study is not a easy one..

In fact, my son finished reading most magic key story books in the end of G3.  Daily 7 is defintely a good one.  We just upgraded to Daily 10 recently and he try to catch up now.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 08-6-21 00:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-21 00:26 |只看該作者
同意你既睇法, 早 D 通知會好 D。

不過本 Grammer 書得果 30 幾頁, 暑假每日做一頁都得喇, 我唸唔洗 10 分鐘就攪掂; 咁放完暑假, 令公子就準備好迎接高一級 Grammer 教學喇。

原文章由 chunhei 於 08-6-21 00:15 發表

I dont think I am totally against the idea but I just worry about the short notice.  My son already planned for two weeks oversea study trip with many different activities such as olympic math, tabl ...

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 08-6-21 00:40 |只看該作者
原文章由 chunhei 於 08-6-21 00:15 發表

I dont think I am totally against the idea but I just worry about the short notice.  My son already planned for two weeks oversea study trip with many different activities such as olympic math, tabl ...

我都認同好似過於倉卒, 已經6月尾才公佈, 會令有安排的家長有點措手不及, 我也已經替小墨魚安排了暑期課程, 不過就因為兩夫婦要上班, 很難在周日和她多出戶外了.

原來妳仔仔要學奧數又學table tennis, 還要去外國, 那真的比較吃緊了. 妳會陪仔仔一起去外國嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-21 00:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 edea 於 08-6-21 00:40 發表

我都認同好似過於倉卒, 已經6月尾才公佈, 會令有安排的家長有點措手不及, 我也已經替小墨魚安排了暑期課程, 不過就因為兩夫婦要上班, 很難在周日和她多出戶外了.

原來妳仔仔要學奧數又學table tennis, 還要去外國 ...

We would not go with him this time. It is a challenge to him and us.

[ 本文章最後由 chunhei 於 08-6-21 00:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-21 00:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 08-6-21 00:26 發表
同意你既睇法, 早 D 通知會好 D。

不過本 Grammer 書得果 30 幾頁, 暑假每日做一頁都得喇, 我唸唔洗 10 分鐘就攪掂; 咁放完暑假, 令公子就準備好迎接高一級 Grammer 教學喇。


Personally, I dont agree the approach.  We should not focus on how to finish the grammer book.  We should concentrate on how to make sure they understand the concept and background on each session.  It may take a little bit longer time. Otherwise, they would only remember the answer and not increase their knowledge.  Anyway, it is different expectation and approach.  Honestly, I didn't read the grammer book yet.  I should not make any comment in this stage.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 08-6-21 01:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 chunhei 於 08-6-21 00:46 發表

We would not go with him this time. It is a challenge to him and us.


Rank: 1

發表於 08-6-21 02:38 |只看該作者
chunhei, 我很認同你的見解!
如學校不斷跳級, 但教導得法, 個人認為不是大問題.但是現在學校把跳了級的智識要我們家長自己去填補, 個人認為不值得鼓勵.
試問一本Grammer Book學校以往都要用半個學年去完成教導, 而現在就要我們家長在短短一個暑假內自己去教及完成作業!???
當然如只是當暑期作業, 搬字過紙, 看似是很容易. 但如chunhei 所說學生真的能完全吸收和了解的又有多少????
最後要多謝其他家長的關心, 其實不認同學校急促跳級並不代表我們的子女在學習上有問題, 只是有感而發..........

原文章由 chunhei 於 08-6-21 00:49 發表

Personally, I dont agree the approach.  We should not focus on how to finish the grammer book.  We should concentrate on how to make sure they understand the concept and background on each session.  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-21 22:36 |只看該作者
原文章由 edea 於 08-6-21 01:48 發表


My son join GT PTA one.  You should be able find more informaiton in the intranet.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-22 02:16 |只看該作者
嘩, 令公子連 Sydney Harbour Bridge 都上過, 厲害、厲害。

原文章由 chunhei 於 08-6-21 22:36 發表

My son join GT PTA one.  You should be able find more informaiton in the intranet.
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