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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 妳地會揀直資/私校 OR 傳統津校?Pls give advice, thx! ...
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妳地會揀直資/私校 OR 傳統津校?Pls give advice, thx! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-28 00:54 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印


1)  $$$
2)  New teaching method
3)  Through train to secondary school
4) Chinese taught in Putonghua
5) other Subjects taught in English
6) less pressure, less tests and homework

心儀的津校(母校,so have 20marks):

1) no need $$$
2) Half day school
3) Chinese school but more than 80% can promote to its  English secondary school which is band one
4) more pressure, many homeworks, tests and exams
5) 要過海

I have 2 kids, both are daughters.  
Which school will you choose if you are me?

[ 本文章最後由 beetle 於 08-7-28 00:59 編輯 ]
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-28 09:41 |只看該作者
假設你係講緊CKYvsSt.Paul, 我會揀津校+搬過海+找net teacher同兩個女練英文。因為對我個人黎講, 長遠供兩個讀IB的話, 負擔都幾大。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-28 09:51 |只看該作者
其實好難比較, 每個人要求同條件都唔同, 又唔知學校名, 唔知點揀.

照睇兩間學校教學方式完全唔同, 問題係你自己鍾意邊一種.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-28 11:37 |只看該作者
I have two daughters too.  I will not choose DSS or private school for the reasons below:

1) new teaching method is not magic to every kids.  It's effectiveness should be depended on the characters of the kids and the teachers themselve.  
2) you must spend lots of money in their future.  You should consider that you will not only spend money on their studies, tutorial classes, but also interest class, sponts class, leisure activities.  For me, I am a middle class only, I should consider money in this point.
3) Chinese taught in Putonghua is a trend in HK.  This is not the advantage of DSS or private school in long run.
4) From my friends' experiences, their children will plan to study aboard if they study at DSS or private school.  I knew some students from some brand 1 DSS, most of them felt hard to face failure and would consider to study aboard is a way to escape from pressures of public exam and competition among their classmates.  They believe their parents should support them as money can solve their problems.  The values and impacts of their classmates/ the families of their classmates should not be ignored.  

Well, it's a very tough question to give yourself an answer as there are many uncertainties.  Wish you make your choice happily soon .

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-28 18:05 |只看該作者
如只以你所說的points,而又經濟許可,我會選心儀的直資/私校因交通應不成問題(你無例出), 而且又係全日制會好d唔使好似半日制日日上課好急!! 而且睇落學得開心d,唔使點迫text, dictation之類!! 不過, 如果你認為太輕鬆唔好的話又另計了, 不過我覺得唔一定要考試先知小朋友識幾多, 如果只是填鴨式, 考得幾好都apply唔到即等同.....學唔到!!

原文章由 beetle 於 08-7-28 00:54 發表


1)  $$$
2)  New teaching method
3)  Through train to secondary school
4) Chinese taught in Putonghua
5) other Subjects taught in English
6) less pressure, less t ...
回 望 這 半 生 也 許 是 場 夢 年 月 已 帶 走 幾 個 秋 與 冬 淚 也 倦 了 夢 也 不 斷 轉 眼 逝 去 生 命 或 許 是 場 空

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-28 19:37 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 beetle 的文章

心儀的津校(母校,so have 20marks):

1) no need $$$ - good
2) Half day school - better than whole day school if you are concerned about your kids' health - just can't imagine having lunch boxes since P.1

4) more pressure, many homeworks, tests and exams - see whether your kids can handle, evaluate your kids' ability.  I won't consider these kinds of schools as I don't have the patience and I don't think childhood is meant for so much pressure and hw.
5) 要過海 - unless you move or have school bus or transport is still convenient.  Imagine in rainy days or very hot days, travelling long hours with heavy schoolbags is tiring and dangerous too.

Mandarin + English is perfect.  Hope that the school also has good academic standards.  See whether you can handle the tuition fee of 直資/私校.  
Only for the 6 weeks summer holiday, I spent over $15,000 on my 6 years old + 4 years old's extra curricular activities .  
I'm glad that I picked 津校 for my elder girl last year.  Although there is no school fee, school bus + other activities over $4,000 a month for my elder girl.  Having 2 girls in primary = $9,000 a month.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-29 16:14 |只看該作者
Thanks for all of your advice!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-30 11:37 |只看該作者
原文章由 beetle 於 08-7-29 16:14 發表
Thanks for all of your advice!

For me, the most critical factor should be affordability.  Without the financial burden, i opt for DSS.  We all went thro the tough training in our primary school life and i really think it is not a good way to teach our children.  Continuous repeated dictation, test & exam seem too much pressure and i doubt the effectiveness.  I hope my child enjoy learning as it is a life-long process.
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