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學之園(凱帆校) vs keen mind [複製鏈接]

發表於 11-1-12 19:07 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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發表於 11-1-12 20:19 |只看該作者
我覺得你可以申請哂有offer先再諗,兩間都唔易入。去年我地好好彩兩間都有offer,不過LH係海逸校。Finally we chose LH for the below reason:1) I went to both schools' entrance to observe for a few days on normal school days and felt that LH 的老師較caring. 2) LH gurantees a K1 place to all PN students but KM does not. How can I let my BB continue the rest of school year if The school notify us just in around Nov/Dec that they dun accept us next ur but they still interview external applicants? Surely I will feel bad lor. 3) LH is really strong at language, they use Letterland Phonics while KM use local textbook. They also have curriculum design team so the curriculum is very well planned. 4)though KM has outdoor area but LH LV doesn't, KM teacher told that PN students will not play in outdoor playground, so it's indifferent with LH. 5) My understanding is KM's misc fee and uniform fee much higher than LH. All along I am not saying that KM is not good but just compared 2, O prefer LH more. So far I am really satisfy with LH, teachers are really caring and call parents to report status every Friday in 1st few mths. School uploads large amt of photos to intranet for Parents download- help us understand what BB does at school. The school also upload video of the song/exercise taught for parent revise with the kid. Many parent seminars and communication.  We are so lucky this year, partly coz of the training at school, my BB got K1 offer from KV, ST Cat, TT(int'l), SN, soka and MS. But we are still hesitate whether to leave LH. Hope this helps a bit.

發表於 11-1-12 20:39 |只看該作者

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發表於 11-1-12 23:09 |只看該作者
你過獎啦...we are just very lucky indeed. HKPS is extremely difficult to get in coz it has very limited seats. We are also in waiting list last year. I would say LH's interview was the most difficult among all we interviewed (we interviewed 7 schools last year). It was divided in 3 parts - 1st one is a group story time (just like to Keen Mind one), kids sat together to hear a story conducted by NET, NET will ask the kids to perform some 動作 during the story telling such as touch the head...etc. Quite difficult coz many kids cannot sit properly and still during the story time. The 2nd part is one-to-one interview with the kid. Some may be interviewed by NET and some by local teacher depending on luck (just like HKPS), questions also similar to those of HKPS. The last part in parents' group discussion conducted by the headmistress, 6-8 parents sat together and headmistress will throw a topic for parents to discuss (but I heard that this part has been replaced by a questionaire this year for K1 interview two months ago, i.e. parents will need to answer questionaire instead, maybe coz of shortage of time in view of increased applicants)
I do not conduct any special interview training for my bb, but I think one of the key to success is language ability. If bb can master both English and Chinese well, then they have higher chance for success in interview as in K1 interview, some schools like TT(Int'l), St Cat are in English while some are in Cantonese like KV, MS...etc. Marks will be deducted if your kid answer in English but interview is conducted Cantonese. So some parents nowadays only focus English training on the kid and even say their kid do not understand Cantonese may not be beneficial during interview. LH PN has good training in both Eng and Cantonese as out of the 3-hour school day, 1/2 will be conducted in Canontese by local teacher and 1/2 will be conducted in English by NET and there is 2 PTH lessions every week. So very balanced!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-13 09:35 |只看該作者
Thanks for your sharing.

But I find it funny that you seems to like LH so much and LH guarantee to have and K1 place for your kid, but you still apply so many other Kindergarten for him.  Are you kind of conflicting or you want to hold all places in other kindergarten?

原帖由 EggEgg08 於 11-1-12 20:19 發表
我覺得你可以申請哂有offer先再諗,兩間都唔易入。去年我地好好彩兩間都有offer,不過LH係海逸校。Finally we chose LH for the below reason:1) I went to both schools' entrance to observe for a few days on norma ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-13 10:43 |只看該作者
Yes, we still applied so many schools coz of a few reasons. 1) You’ll notice that most Kinders accept K1 application in Sep/Oct (interviews hold in Nov/Dec). At the time of application, the PN has just start for a few days/a month which we could not ensure that the PN is really good (though many research has been done), so we must get some back up for K1. 2) Yes, I mentioned that LH is good and I prefer LH over KM. But it doesn’t mean that I think LH is the best in HK, esp there are a lot more choices when applying to K1. No harm to explore some more opportunity outside, esp. we’ve paid the application fee in Sep/Oct, why not to give a try coz may be we can find some new perspective! I am also a cautious parent and so still considering whether to move to one-dragon KG next year. 3) We do not hold many KG places. In fact, we did not register KV, St Cat and Soka, withdrawal from SN and only keep one-dragon kinder.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-13 10:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 cat_house 於 11-1-13 09:35 發表
Thanks for your sharing.

But I find it funny that you seems to like LH so much and LH guarantee to have and K1 place for your kid, but you still apply so many other Kindergarten for him.  Are you kin ...

咁每個家長都想找間想合適嘅學校俾小朋友都好正常....最緊要唔好長hold D位......留返d機會比其他小朋友.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-13 10:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 EggEgg08 於 11-1-13 10:43 發表
Yes, we still applied so many schools coz of a few reasons. 1) You’ll notice that most Kinders accept K1 application in Sep/Oct (interviews hold in Nov/Dec). At the time of application, the PN has ju ...

thanks so much for your sharing

[ 本帖最後由 sheri 於 11-1-13 11:01 編輯 ]

發表於 11-1-13 11:10 |只看該作者

回復 3# EggEgg08 的帖子

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發表於 11-1-13 12:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 EggEgg08 於 11-1-12 20:19 發表
我覺得你可以申請哂有offer先再諗,兩間都唔易入。去年我地好好彩兩間都有offer,不過LH係海逸校。Finally we chose LH for the below reason:1) I went to both schools' entrance to observe for a few days on norma ...

"即使你是友善的,人們可能還會說你自私和動機不良,不管怎樣,你還是要友善。即使你是誠實的,人們可能還會欺負你,不管怎樣,你還是要誠實。你今天做的善事,人們明天可能就忘記,不管怎樣,你還是要做善事。” 杜麗莎修女。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-13 14:11 |只看該作者
brrbaby, yes, seems we are buddies...hee hee

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-13 14:19 |只看該作者
Good luch to you belle, I agree that it is already great if your bb can enter either KM or LH, both are very gd school. CCKG in fact does not have K1, so you can consider it one more year later. Holy family is also a very good school....very admire you indeed..... Both my hubby and I did not come from very famous primary sch...so even needs more effort to pave the way for our bb...

發表於 11-1-13 22:27 |只看該作者

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發表於 11-1-14 08:45 |只看該作者
Um...純粹自己感覺, I think the issue is less if BB answer English in LH 因為始終LH係一間很著重英文的學校,what I mean is for those tradition famous schools when u apply for K1. But in any case, 小朋友答英文唔緊要,at least 一定耍識聽中文,有d小朋友唔識聼,要家長即埸翻譯,就唔掂啦,其實考k1小朋友大d已唔同N1,家長唔suppose幫口tim gar lar.

其實如LH interview part 2 遇中NET 就成個interview in English tim, but it really by luck.

[ 本帖最後由 EggEgg08 於 11-1-14 08:49 編輯 ]

發表於 11-1-16 23:34 |只看該作者

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發表於 11-1-17 10:24 |只看該作者

回復 15# belle2009 的帖子

我估如果你報了凱帆校而收了你佢地應該唔會「派」你去日出康城。我都係今件幫bb報n1既家長,我好早就交form,雖然住tko,不過因為當時未通知有日出康城校,我報了凱帆校(我媽媽屋企住奧運站),之後貪方便,想轉入康城校,凱帆校通知我4校係同一日interview,只可以報一間,如果我揀康城校,佢地就會張我份application轉去康城,連application no.都唔同咗,之後因為小兒考到九龍塘學校加上我有了2nd b,打算搬去奧運,我又問吓可唔可以轉返去凱帆校,佢地好好人,幫我轉,不過again又assign另一個新既application no.俾我。

[ 本帖最後由 kristinecheng 於 11-1-17 10:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-17 14:20 |只看該作者
康城校好新加上我阿b冇讀過, 所以hard to comment. But maybe I can share with you some facts:-
1) The campus is the smallest among the 4 LH branches, no outdoor area

2) The curriculum is the same as the other three branches as LH has its own central curriculum development team to control the curriculum.

3) 唔好以為新校老師唔夠經驗, half of their teachers are transferred from the other three LH branches and these experienced teachers lead the new teachers. (so there are some new teachers in all the branches this year coz of such move) In fact, I found that all the LH branches have quite close relationship with each other (unlike some other chained schools in HK), for example, when LV branch (the branch my bb is studying) holds some school function, the headmistress and some staff in other branches did come and support..

不過正如kristinecheng 所講, chance is slim if you choose HL branch but assign you to LP branch. Like last year, all the branches receive many applications and so their seats were not enough for the applicants of that particular branch already, not to mention the applicants of the other branches. Hope this helps :loveliness:

[ 本帖最後由 EggEgg08 於 11-1-17 14:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-17 15:43 |只看該作者

回復 1# EggEgg08 的帖子

I am wondering how the n1 interviews went in 2010 for the first ever academic year.  Was it a competitive as other 3 locations? LH LP is on top of my list for my boy who was born in 2010 so he will start n1 in sep 2012.  Currently ipw only use English with him and only Cantonese and mandarin very seldomly when our relatives cone to visit.  I guess to tackle the n1 and k1 interviews in the future we should work on bringing up hs Cantonese level.  Thanks all for sharing your experience at LH.

發表於 11-1-18 08:45 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-1-18 09:45 |只看該作者
Can you explain the differences? 願聞其詳。

原帖由 小克 於 11-1-18 08:45 發表
These 2 schools are quite different.
What kind of primary school you target for your kid?
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