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樓主: addison2011

不知所惜 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-1-19 21:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 kristinecheng 於 11-1-19 10:17 發表
樓主,你的女兒14m大,應該與我的bb一樣是09bb,不過是細b。如果你想報n1,今年很多學校的interview已過甚至已出offer,不過有些仍會在此階段接受細b報名(我有個好朋友的女兒是細b,我都有留意吓),如迦南﹑學之園﹑victoria﹑以及一些村校 ...

多謝你既意見呀好有用. 有可能我都唔想個女做大B, 雖然對佢係好D不過早一年好過遲一年, 有D N1 要足2歲先收. 唯有報住收個D先唔得唯有等下一年. 唔知N1 係唔係大部份都可以直升K1 呢??

Rank: 2

發表於 11-1-20 15:15 |只看該作者

回復 21# addison2011 的帖子

絕大多數既n1都會直昇上去,不過佢地唔係叫k1,叫n2-n4,k1係指一啲幼稚園學校只有3歲班,讀上去就叫k2-k3。當然,某些學校的名稱會不同,所以你要小心留意學校通告究竟佢地標明既班係收緊幾多歲既bb(e.g. hkps既n1係叫playgroup class)。不過都有啲n1學校唔係直昇,例如劍鳴,據聞只有70%既n1學生可以昇上k1,k1時都會收唔少校外生,由於此校在n1收生時只收1-8月既bb,細b(9-12月)想讀既話就要出年直接考k1。間間學校唔同,所以你要問清楚學校。

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-21 00:15 |只看該作者

回復 2# addison2011 的帖子

Mr addison2011,

I think you have to understand the whole game rule before you can act for your girl. You said " 有D N1 要足2歲先收. 唯有報住收個D先唔得唯有等下一年. ". This is not correct. In fact all N1 or PN only accept babies not younger than 24 months. If your baby is 09 Nov/Dec baby, she must wait till 2-yr old in order to go to N1/PN. It is another story if you have relationship with a particular KG then they may accept your kid a few weeks earlier but won't be a month earlier I believe. Normally, schools won't promise you a place in your case, as they won't just keep a place for you till Nov/Dec.

My suggestion to you is, wait till this year Aug onwards to apply K1 for your girl for 2012/13 is more practical. But for the time being, prepare her for e.g. join playgroups if you don't have time to teach her.

Of course it would be good if you can find KG that accepts your girl to start PN/N1 at the end of this year. In this case you really need to spend more time to find and understand those KGs you want to apply QUICKLY!

Good luck!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-21 14:09 |只看該作者
Some PN do accept < 2 age, so you need to research more. Ask directly for the PN you selected by phone. Select those near your home if you have no idea. If you live in China, try to move back to HK, such as NT.
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