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KTS vs Good Hope [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-4 00:56 |只看該作者

KTS vs Good Hope

My daughter is accepted by 禮賢, KTS and Good Hope. She is lucky to have choices. Hope her luck will also happen at DGJS (although this is very hard to sucess). I already gave up 禮賢 . But, KTS and Good Hope is very hard to choose.

Good Hope:
I heard many bad issues from this forum. And the school seems not that "open". They only allowed one parent to enter the school and let the remain stand on the street to wait on the interview day. It is really bad arrangment. The school haven't provide any chances for the parents to know more about the school (like open day). Althougt they have secondary school. But, my daughter K3 teacher told me that they will ask my daughter to leave if she can not catch up to their standard in P2 or P3. Really don't know this is true. Seems everythings are not that good. But, there is no way for me to find out the true.

This school gave me good impression on the interview day. The teachers there are very nice. The arrangement on the interview day is also smooth and this is a co-edu school. They also set up an open day for the parents in Feb 06 to know more about the school. But, the only bad thing that I know is no secondary school connection. So that I have to "get mad" again to find a good secondary school to her again. To enter the primary school process is already very painful.

I am really afraid I will make a wrong decision. Please give me some advise. Many thanks!

Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-4 01:32 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

GHS is a very "conservative" school. Not as open and transparent as most of the other Catholic school. A lot of test and exams and a real tranditional approach. But I must say this approach  caters for some "less enthusiastic"  kids!! The English standard is above average. The overall school life will definitely not as much fun as other schools.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-4 02:09 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope


My family member has worked at GHS for over 10 years.  Her 3 daughters also studied the primary & secondary section of GHS.  

From my view (I'm a tutor at education centre), I has educated students of the well-know school as St. Mary, Ying Wa, DBS....

I would like to share with you what I get from the students.  Education that is a long-term for children to learning and discovering.  When children are young, we let them have a happy school life to learn and develop their talents.  

Although KTS doesn't have their own secondary school, but the education scheme changes from time to time.  Don't worry about that.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-4 02:30 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

知不知KTS今年收幾多小一生?Interview 果日好多人!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-4 02:36 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

Yes, anyone know?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-4 15:12 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

thinthinrl 寫道:
My daughter is accepted by 禮賢, KTS and Good Hope. She is lucky to have choices. Hope her luck will also happen at DGJS (although this is very hard to sucess). I already gave up 禮賢 . But, KTS and Good Hope is very hard to choose.

Good Hope:
I heard many bad issues from this forum. And the school seems not that "open". They only allowed one parent to enter the school and let the remain stand on the street to wait on the interview day. It is really bad arrangment. The school haven't provide any chances for the parents to know more about the school (like open day). Althougt they have secondary school. But, my daughter K3 teacher told me that they will ask my daughter to leave if she can not catch up to their standard in P2 or P3. Really don't know this is true. Seems everythings are not that good. But, there is no way for me to find out the true.

I am really afraid I will make a wrong decision. Please give me some advise. Many thanks!

我的女女現在是gh一年級, 聽講高年級家長說, 你講的是事實, 一有小朋友成績不好, 便叫放棄, 成績無80,90分, 便叫差架啦. 不過, 一年級的成績通常都很高的. 個個幾乎有90分架. 我的女女便是.
呀, 我聽我女女講今年一年級有很多留級.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-4 16:55 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

[我的女女現在是gh一年級, 聽講高年級家長說, 你講的是事實, 一有小朋友成績不好, 便叫放棄, 成績無80,90分, 便叫差架啦. 不過, 一年級的成績通常都很高的. 個個幾乎有90分架. 我的女女便是.
呀, 我聽我女女講今年一年級有很多留級. [/quote]



Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-4 17:08 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

Lovelymama2006 寫道:
我的女女現在是gh一年級, 聽講高年級家長說, 你講的是事實, 一有小朋友成績不好, 便叫放棄, 成績無80,90分, 便叫差架啦. 不過, 一年級的成績通常都很高的. 個個幾乎有90分架. 我的女女便是.
呀, 我聽我女女講今年一年級有很多留級.

Can any GHS parents (P2-P6) clarify this rumour?
My friend's daughter is studying in P3. I remembered that when her daughter was in P1. Her marks was around 70-80.

My friend asked her class teacher about her marks.

My friend: 她只有70+分, 點算呀? 點幫佢呀?

Class teacher: 有咩問題呢? 佢e+讀緊人地P2讀既野, 有70+都算average, 冇乜大問題喎o 不過佢上堂有d唔專心啫, 慢慢黎啦---------o

This is the exact wordings that my friend told me that time. I'm quite impressed as I think that every P1 student should get 90+ marks on average two years ago. The class teacher didn't put any pressure on the student and parents.

I do not agree that 一有小朋友成績不好, 便叫放棄, 成績無80,90分, 便叫差架啦o However, if a student always fail during test and exam, it may be the time to find some way to help her. Changing to a school with less tests and exam, a school with a little bit lower academic level, may be a wise way to help her to build up her confidence and learning incentives. Therefore, it's difficult to judge whether 叫人轉校 is right or wrong.

This is some truth that I know from my friend two years ago. That's why I let my daughter in this school. I'm not trying to offend or defend anyone. I just think that it not fair to GHS sometimes.
[img align=left]http://www.fx-word.com/img1/20070115/1168850504I.gif[/img]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-4 22:00 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope


Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-4 23:13 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

KTS in Kowloon Tong Primary School
lauerica 寫道:

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-5 00:09 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope


Thanks for your advise. I really agree with u.

"Education that is a long-term for children to learning and discovering. When children are young, we let them have a happy school life to learn and develop their talents."

Many parents said GHS has many homeworks, test and exam. I really don't know my girl can handle this or not. She is studing in St. Cat. And, she love this kider very much. It seems that the KTS culture(info. from BK parents) is more fit for her. I don't know whether the workload is similar or less than GHS. And, how the KTS can make 70% of their students to enter the band 1 secondary school. But, most of the ppls rank GHS is high level than KTS.

My daughter is a cheerful, active and outgoing girl. But, not a naughty one. She is quite smart but her concentration level is not that high. Although my husband is a Catholic, but he hasn't been to the church for over 20 years. And I don't have any religion. We both are the "open minded" person and don't like the "守舊" culture. I just want her be a happy girl and a well educated kid. To let her enter a good school is a path for her future career. (Although this is a long road). But, I believe the primary school is a important  base for her future development. So that I am so serious to choose a good school for her.

But, I really have no way to find out the real picture for both schools. So that I don't know how to pick a right choice for my daughter.

"莎朗" - U said u are a tutor and get reach of the students from many school. I am much appreciated that if u can share more info to me. U can PM to me at [email protected].

I would also like to thanks for other parents advise. This is very helpful.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-5 00:16 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

Lovelymama2006 寫道:
我的女女現在是gh一年級, 聽講高年級家長說, 你講的是事實, 一有小朋友成績不好, 便叫放棄, 成績無80,90分, 便叫差架啦. 不過, 一年級的成績通常都很高的. 個個幾乎有90分架. 我的女女便是.
呀, 我聽我女女講今年一年級有很多留級.




Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 05-12-5 01:02 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope


1. 兩所學校的課程都較一般學校深。
2. 兩所學校都有人留級。留級不只是德望的問題。
3. 我認識的九龍塘學生讀得比德望的開心,不過,我認識的有限,不能代表全部。
4. 九龍塘比德望少功課。
5. 德望現時只返半天,懂得安排時間的家長,絕對可安排適當的活動發展子女的潛能。
6. 現時,九龍塘只有幾個女生可以升上比德望中學好的學校,所以我不太明白莎朗說的不用考慮升中的問題。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-5 08:11 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

DocDaddy 寫道:
Lovelymama2006 寫道:
我的女女現在是gh一年級, 聽講高年級家長說, 你講的是事實, 一有小朋友成績不好, 便叫放棄, 成績無80,90分, 便叫差架啦. 不過, 一年級的成績通常都很高的. 個個幾乎有90分架. 我的女女便是.
呀, 我聽我女女講今年一年級有很多留級.




當然啦, 個係五年級的家長講我聽的, 唔通我要講明邊個邊個呀. 費事人地又給人地label 呀

通常成績高, 唔表示個個都係成績高喎.  我女女到,已經有機個留級啦.

叫人留級都係放棄的一種. 明明合格都留級,

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-5 09:03 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

喇沙書院        7名       
拔萃女書院        3名
拔萃男書院        8名         
何明華會督銀禧中學        8名
瑪利諾修院學校(中學部)        4名         
華英中學        4名
協恩中學        2名                
東華三院黃笏南中學        13名
英華書院        4名                
旅港開平商會中學        5名
聖保羅男女中學        4名       
基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學        5名
聖保祿學校中學        1名         
陳瑞祺 (喇沙) 書院        6名
德望中學        9名         
浸信會呂明才中學        1名

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 05-12-5 09:21 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope


gigi2 寫道:

From hearsay, GHS would like to accept KTS girls.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-5 09:38 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

Personally, I will choose Good Hope.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-5 09:39 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope



除了一年級,高年級都有好多羅九十分,小女今年好多科都有 8-9x分! 其實讀傳統學校係好多人分數都好高的, 讀 kts,tsl,mcs,dps,sfa。。。。亦好多人到小六都係 9x真係一d都唔出奇,呢d亦唔代表佢地因特別叻,只係努力的成果!始終係小學,肯努力讀,高分唔係太難的!


讀書漫慢長路,讀多年其實好少事詐! 我有個留過班,細個真係好鬼百厭,見校長當食飯的小學同學,上兩個禮拜上警訊接受訪問,原來家下係xxxx行動處長,真是莫欺少年窮呀 ! 

gh係有學生比要求離校,我都識得一個,通常係行為上有問題的,而學校係係資原上唔能配合的!真係 唔會係有 70分都要你離校� 留班的 !

讀kts 同gh都無所為,問題係讀 kts 你一定要keep得佢d成績係頭10%咁就會好安全必定會上到好的中學啦!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-5 10:18 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

You said right for top school but for good school I think 30% is already OK.  And the definition of good school has different interpretation from parents.

[quote]讀 kts 你一定要keep得佢d成績係頭10%咁就會好安全必定會上到好的中學啦!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-5 12:54 |只看該作者

Re: KTS vs Good Hope

先前有家長都問過禮賢vs Good Hope。
因唔想再argue,所以無talk back。
但我覺得最重要係程度適中,搵間適合比小朋友,唔一味講個"深"字就得!有朋友同我講過GH大概分2種:1.有錢or中產 2. 公務員。學費3K幾,剛好拿盡政府既welfare,d囡囡入唔到GH,入左KTS&禮賢&宣小都唔like喎!
其實我又唔係GH既家長,真唔知佢既課程有幾深,只知好多人話GH 既英文好勁!因本人有個baby girl, 仲係到摸索緊邊間學校最好最適合。所以聽下BK媽咪既comments。如選擇了GH做小學,就suppose直上埋佢間中學,12yr埋單要abt40萬。但我睇番佢中學website既2005 HKCEE Results,我淨係留意佢英文會考成績:A-C 50%大約100人;而D-E 50%大約100人,我唔知佢實際拿"A"既人數有幾多?或者係50/70/80人,佢無劃分出來。可能係我既中學年代,英文會考拿D/E係a piece of cake!唔洗invest 40萬!佢Results made me down.
朋友個妹讀DGS,當年仲係津校,唔洗錢,佢亞妹係DGS係羅底橙,英文會考係"C"。我只係羅d data出來吹下水,希望GH既current parent. No hard feeling!
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