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Speaking problems [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-12-29 08:01 |只看該作者

Speaking problems

幼童家聘外傭 易患語言障礙
【明報專訊】 香港大部分家長都要工作,聘請外籍傭工照顧小孩已成為大趨勢。有言語治療師提醒市民,夾雜中英文的溝通環境,會妨礙.....

Ming Pao said employing Filipino causes some toddlers not able to speak.
I and my friends have Filipino, and our children can speak English well at the beginning and Chinese later.
But I also know some in my son's school and church cannot speak at 2.
I have concluded the problems are:

1. The caretakers did not speak much to the children. No matter Filipino or Indonesian or grandparents. So, they should narrate everything they do and they see to the children.

2. Not a single language was spoken at the beginning, esp with a helper and the grandparents speaking Chinese with accent. So, the parents should stick to a single language envionment until the children can use the first languaue to express. Then thay can switch to the 2nd language.

3. Indonesian are even worse than Filipino because they are not fluent in either Chinese or English.

4. Lack of language learning cds or vcds. Only TV.

5. The parents are too busy and too quiet.
兒女是耶和華所賜的產業  詩篇127章3節
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