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How to choose between GSIS & QBS ? [複製鏈接]

發表於 06-11-10 10:45 |只看該作者

How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

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Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-10 10:56 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

Hi dear
If your boy loves the school, the teacher and his classmates then it is better to stay in QBS. You can learn the most out of it when you are in an happy and secure environment. The sense of belonging is very important for kids. I have had many students from ESF and their program is good. There is just too much to sacrifice for your family when u choose to transfer. Your son is abviously doing well. I would recommend you to stay. Unless u get to meet the teaher and u are sure the one in GSIS is better. We teacher moms do that we go and check out the teacher see how they are before making our decision.(however it does work if you don't know who your teacher will be).  Cheers!  

發表於 06-11-10 11:48 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

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Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-10 12:18 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

Dear christf,

In my opinion, i suggest your son better stay at QBS as your son already get used to the teacher and the style of QBS.  If you choose a new school for him, everything is new to him.  He has to spend time to make new friends, to get familiar with the school environment, and so on..... You cannot guarantee if your son really love GSIS or not.  I won't take the risk.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-10 12:25 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?


I also have same problem before. My kid also passed the assessement of GSIS. However, GSIS asked my kid to study lower one year since the same reasons as you. My wife and me decided to keep him in QBS. There is not only the reason of GSIS arrangement. In fact, my kid love QBS and don't want to move.  As far as we know, GSIS is very demanded and discpline. We also worry my kid will compare with other kids in the near future becasue my family is not rich. QBS is more suitable for us. Besides, QBS is a good school and also discpline. So may be discuss with teacher.

發表於 06-11-10 12:32 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

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發表於 06-11-10 12:35 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

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Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-10 12:52 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?


Please also think about curriculum of school. GSIS is British, ESF all secondary school is going to IB in 2007. One thing, Principal of GSIS(Primary Section) told me that school have probation for the kid. if the kid can't reach the standard. the kid probably out.(Their confirmation letter also talked like that)

發表於 06-11-10 13:44 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

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Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-10 14:05 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

probation period is six month
Letter said "A  place offered to your child is subject to a six month probationary period. During the probationary period your child will be assessed to ensure that they can meet the academic standards required by the school. Consistent attainment of the standard is important as we do not offer a special needs programme to assist children learning at a slower pace than their peers. It is also vital that your child's English language skills are maintained to the standard of a native English speaker of the same age" this is the letter from GSIS to me. So straight. However, QBS will give your kid assistance if you kid have problem. This is some different. Of course, you have to know what do you want.

發表於 06-11-10 14:23 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

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Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-11 09:32 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

I am surprised.  International school is not meant to be so mean.  At least, not that I am aware of to-date.  GSIS produces very good academic results and they are very consistent year by year.  Results wise, most of the time, they are better than ESF.  However, I am not sure if I agree with their policy on not provding assistance to the slower pace students.  In a classroom, there will always be faster and slower pace students, does that mean the slower pace students will eventually be eliminated, just like the local school system?  If so, based on that philosophy, should we even consider GSIS as an international school, or is it just another local school with an international name? I am puzzled.

hccch 寫道:
probation period is six month
Letter said "A  place offered to your child is subject to a six month probationary period. During the probationary period your child will be assessed to ensure that they can meet the academic standards required by the school. Consistent attainment of the standard is important as we do not offer a special needs programme to assist children learning at a slower pace than their peers. It is also vital that your child's English language skills are maintained to the standard of a native English speaker of the same age" this is the letter from GSIS to me. So straight. However, QBS will give your kid assistance if you kid have problem. This is some different. Of course, you have to know what do you want.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-11 09:41 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

hccch 寫道:

Please also think about curriculum of school. GSIS is British, ESF all secondary school is going to IB in 2007. One thing, Principal of GSIS(Primary Section) told me that school have probation for the kid. if the kid can't reach the standard. the kid probably out.(Their confirmation letter also talked like that)

Out??   Did it happen to someone before?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-11 12:44 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

hccch 寫道:
probation period is six month
Letter said "A  place offered to your child is subject to a six month probationary period. During the probationary period your child will be assessed to ensure that they can meet the academic standards required by the school. Consistent attainment of the standard is important as we do not offer a special needs programme to assist children learning at a slower pace than their peers. It is also vital that your child's English language skills are maintained to the standard of a native English speaker of the same age" this is the letter from GSIS to me. So straight. However, QBS will give your kid assistance if you kid have problem. This is some different. Of course, you have to know what do you want.

Please forgive me if i seem rude, but i seem to see a hoax going on.

i have never heard of this " probationary period ", but of course that's my own ignorance.

Nowhere in the GSIS website can i find such a thing, but of course they must  be hiding  it from outsiders, right ?

i tried to search the whole  GSIS website using the key words ' probation / probationary period ' , but there's no such thing ever mentioned.

And the purported  GSIS letter contains obvious grammatical mistakes which make it highly suspect too.

But the most damning of all is this : The 'GSIS letter ' stressed that '""""we do not offer a special needs programme to assist children learning at a slower pace than their peers. """"  WHAT THE HELL ?!  

<\"\"lease click here and go to page 5 !> . . It clearly states that GSIS has support for children with learning difficulties and attention disorders !  

Don't ever try to fool us again!   

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-11 15:27 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

Hi Cayenne:

I talked with everybody my experience, is not tell everybody a lie. If you don't believe my words, just PM to me and let me know your email, I will email the copy of letter to you.  GSIS is German school even have International section, their Adm. staff is German not native english speaker, so their English is like that. If my word is true, just say sorry to me on this forum. I will forget it

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-11 16:12 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

hccch 寫道:
Hi Cayenne:

I talked with everybody my experience, is not tell everybody a lie. If you don't believe my words, just PM to me and let me know your email, I will email the copy of letter to you.  GSIS is German school even have International section, their Adm. staff is German not native english speaker, so their English is like that. If my word is true, just say sorry to me on this forum. I will forget it

You're saying that the English standard of GSIS is sloppy, because they are Germans.  I am not sure they'll agree with that.

And you still stand by your claim that you received a letter from GSIS saying that the school makes no provisions for slow learners ?

It may serve you well to remember that spreading falsified information in the net is not only morally wrong, but may also land you in legal trouble.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-11 22:59 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

Hi Cayenne:

I never said this English standard of GSIS is sloppy. I just show everyone to know the letter. Your word "It may serve you well to remember that spreading falsified information in the net is not only morally wrong, but may also land you in legal trouble" It so shock. Of course, I don't want to the court or jail. But in the forum you  said the letter have grammatical mistakes (May be you a English Teacher?)and may be a purported GSIS Letter. I had a real and hard copy in hand. I don't worry about that. Please think about............

You said : "i tried to search the whole GSIS website using the key words ' probation / probationary period ' , but there's no such thing ever mentioned.
And the purported GSIS letter contains obvious grammatical mistakes which make it highly suspect too." Of course, School don't write this details on their website. Will anyone tell your maid before , I will kick you out in the probation period if you not good?

Question? Do you have experience to receive confirmation letter from GSIS? If yes, may be your letter quite different with me. If no, may be...............

Your word "Don't ever try to fool us again" let me so painful. I am so honest to tell members what my experience. I never think about to hurt anyone or any school. I don't have any benefit from anyone. I don't know why you so..........., I just want to share.

Right now, I say one more time, I have the confirmation letter from GSIS and all details which I wrote in the past all is true. If anyone want to have this letter copy(of course I will delete name, address and year group), just PM and let me to have email address. I am willing to email to all members if they want to know the fact.

If Cayenne still want to challenge me, you let me  


Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-13 00:11 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

Maybe I can share some of my experience.

There is a six-month probation period for all the new comers in GSIS.  My child has been studying there since kindergarten and he is now P4.  I remember  only one boy has been out in K2 because of his unsatisfactory English.  The new comers in Yr1 to Yr4 so far were the cream from the other schools (there are less than 5 places every year) and all studied very well.  I haven't met any new comer in the Primary who has to go after this "probationary period".

The school has remedial teachers to support children with learning difficulty or of slower pace (in both Maths and Eng).  The class teacher spots the special need children quite early and starts remedial programme for them.  They will discuss with the parents and work together throughout the year.  But only for mental slowness, no tution for unsatisfactory English.  I only saw two children (twins) had to repeat Year 1 because of that.  They are now Year 3.

The international stream has a very strict requirement on English and even German have to attain this standard if they want to apply for the international stream.

Hope the above can clarify your questions.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-13 10:36 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

Dear christf,

Your son is brilliant by getting a marvellous result in the assessment of GSIS.  May I know apart from the interview, does he need to attend any written test?  In terms of language, does English is your son's mother tongue ever since he was born?  Do you have to speak English with him every daily life?  Then how about Chinese?  Sorry maybe I'm asking too much.  Just want to know how you enrich your son's English skill for the interview.  Many many thanks.....

發表於 06-11-13 12:25 |只看該作者

Re: How to choose between GSIS & QBS ?

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