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好竒一問 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-23 13:48 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

我寶寶是細B, 巳報8間幼稚園, 再會報多5-6間. (so far 只有1間幼稚園安排面試). 會否很誇張?

真的無辦法了...因我幫寶寶報N1時, 報在幾間, 只有一間比我寶寶interview機會. 仲要等在一年

   0    0    0    0

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-23 14:38 |只看該作者
How small is your bb?  End of December?

If you don't mind the trouble to apply more (e.g. filling forms, preparing envelopes and the applications fees), I receommend you apply more kindergartens first.  You can always decide later whether to attend the interviews.

Since yours is a small b, the concerns will be (1) they are less stable so you never know anything will happen which affects the interviews, so you need more "spare options" (2) the reality is many famous kinder does have preferences on big B, which is in no doubts.  So you may want to avoid them unless they are really your dream school (e.g. KV, SPK, etc.)

原帖由 Chris852 於 09-9-23 13:48 發表

我寶寶是細B, 巳報8間幼稚園, 再會報多5-6間. (so far 只有1間幼稚園安排面試). 會否很誇張?

真的無辦法了...因我幫寶寶報N1時, 報在幾間, 只有一間比我寶寶interview ...

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-9-23 20:17 |只看該作者
my BB is a small small B, end of 12/2007, my approach is to start my bb in N (just a normal, kind of OK, near home nursury) ASAP once she turns 2, apply just 4-5 dream K this year, may be none of them will be successful (most probably), but then, I had gain some interview experiences for these k.  

if one of the K accept her, I will get her into this.  Otherwise, just let her stay in this normal nursery until next year and try again.

i think applying over 10 kinder for 細b is very stressful, both for the baby and for the parent.....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-23 23:22 |只看該作者
我的BoBo 9月出生, 叫佢行前, 佢便行後; 叫佢轉左, 佢便行右...

Perhaps, let treat interview as a lesson of playgroup.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-9-24 00:27 |只看該作者
I think it is a very good idea to let small B to attend pre-nursery.  The key is that they need an environment where they are alone from adult family members and be able to deal with other kids.

For example, interviews like Pui Ching will require the kids to be taken by boy scouts to an isolated room for interview, separated from their parents.  So, experience studying in pre-nursery will definitely help.

Having 10 interviews on one or two weeks of November will be tough.  But treat it as a training or play-groups.  They don't know those are interviews.  It's only the parents who feel the pressure and put it on them.  Just treat it as going out or playing with other kids.  Don't put too much pressure on them for the causal interviews (but need to for the important ones).  They need to enjoy it, and it is really a learning experience to help they grow.

Since too many of the interviews held in the first 3 weekends of November, so you may not be able to attend all 10 interviews.  The schedule will crash so apply more is just for safety reason.

Moreover, children will get sick.  For example, my daughter was sick twice last year and skipped one because of fever.  And some interviews you won't attend anymore if already accept by another one similar.

Hope it helps and I know, it is tough for small b.  Good luck to you!


原帖由 stinkyrabbit111 於 09-9-23 20:17 發表
my BB is a small small B, end of 12/2007, my approach is to start my bb in N (just a normal, kind of OK, near home nursury) ASAP once she turns 2, apply just 4-5 dream K this year, may be none of them ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-24 08:01 |只看該作者
My bb is Nov 07. I think PN is different from K1 as your bb doesn't reach 2 years old, school can't hold the seat for you for several months, they need the school fee lar. kids applying K1 all reach 2 yr 8 mons, can go to school in Sep. Only those very famous schools will not give chance to small b. To be honest, small bb's performance during interview is 'really different' from time to time comparing to big bb (more stable).
原帖由 Chris852 於 09-9-23 13:48 發表

我寶寶是細B, 巳報8間幼稚園, 再會報多5-6間. (so far 只有1間幼稚園安排面試). 會否很誇張?

真的無辦法了...因我幫寶寶報N1時, 報在幾間, 只有一間比我寶寶interview ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-24 10:19 |只看該作者
唔好話12月的bb丫, 我個8 月尾既都係比d大囡差好遠! 因為佢係8月尾, 想話遲一年做大囡又大得濟唔收, 2007年出生率咁高, 就算8月尾都算係細囡, 去interview表現一定冇d大囡咁好, 我係d幼師都選d成熟d啦, 好教d嘛, 但係都冇辦法, 就算機會細d都要試, 所以唯有幫佢報左好多面試班, 再返nursey, 好彩都叫有d成績, 好多問題佢都識答, 最緊要係對住陌生人都肯答, 真係謝天謝地! 不過佢講野始終都唔係好清楚, 唔知會唔會有影響呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-24 12:45 |只看該作者
我前年都係因為Nursery時遲左報,所以只好揀樓下讀方便接送,上年報K1時我已醒左...報左11間,都有3間無去,1間唔收,2間Waiting List, 5間收左...

原帖由 Chris852 於 09-9-23 13:48 發表

我寶寶是細B, 巳報8間幼稚園, 再會報多5-6間. (so far 只有1間幼稚園安排面試). 會否很誇張?

真的無辦法了...因我幫寶寶報N1時, 報在幾間, 只有一間比我寶寶interview ...
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