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Boy, 10, arrested over kick to head in soccer match - SCMP [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-3-18 22:47 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Boy, 10, arrested over kick to head in soccer match
Juvenile bailed on suspicion of assault causing actual bodily harm after incident involving rival player, 12
Dennis Chong
Mar 18, 2012     

Police have arrested a 10-year-old boy who allegedly kicked a 12-year-old in the head last weekend during a soccer match, a police spokeswoman confirmed yesterday.

In a rare case of police taking action against a juvenile, the boy was arrested on Friday on suspicion of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, the spokeswoman said.

He was released on bail for an unspecified sum, but will have to report back to police next month.

The spokeswoman added that the name of the suspect needed to be withheld due to the sensitivity of the matter and the boy's age.

According to a source, police consulted the Department of Justice on how to proceed with the case due to the age of the suspect.

The developments came after the injury to a Kitchee-Escola player sparked a huge controversy.

He was kicked in the head in an under-12 Hong Kong Development League match against the English Schools Foundation Lions at King George V School.

The incident, which had parents and coaches up in arms, was filmed by a spectator who uploaded the footage on the internet.

The video went viral before being pulled from public view after the ESF warned of legal consequences.

But various other versions were still available on YouTube yesterday and had attracted about 200,000 views.

The police spokeswoman said yesterday the case was being investigated by Kowloon City district crime headquarters.

Meanwhile, the league decided at an internal meeting on Tuesday to ban an ESF player allegedly involved in the incident from playing for the rest of the season.

League officials also warned Kitchee it had failed to control its team's parents and would face expulsion for "future misconduct", according to an e-mail sent by the league to Kitchee representatives.

The league's warning triggered uproar at the club and among the Kitchee parents.

Kitchee-Escola operational director Stephen Lam Tak-sing said the club had demanded the league organisers revise the ruling against Kitchee and the parents.

"We know that parents should not enter the pitch, but when you see the situation, any dad would do that," Lam said. "It's just like when you see a child badly injured in a traffic incident. Anyone would run onto the road. Why, then, do you say the parents did something wrong?"

But as of yesterday, Lam said, there had been no response.

Dave Stewart, the soccer school's football programme development manager, said officials would look at the situation tomorrow.

Lam said the parents of the Kitchee U12 Team and the Kitchee-Escola Parents' Association had written to the league organiser, Chelsea FC Soccer School (Hong Kong), demanding the decision be reversed.

Philip Poon Hung-wai, the father of the injured boy, said he was disappointed by the league's decision over Kitchee. He said parents might be hesitant to allow their children to play in the competition in the future.

The league officials also decided during Tuesday's meeting that the referees failed to control the second half of the match and a warning was issued to the ESF coach for going onto the pitch, according to the e-mail sent to Kitchee.

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發表於 12-3-18 23:53 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-3-19 00:01 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-3-19 16:56 編輯
alpham0m 發表於 12-3-18 22:47
Boy, 10, arrested over kick to head in soccer match
Juvenile bailed on suspicion of assault causing  ...

Police superintendent's caution
I hope that the ESF boy and all kids as well have learned a lesson.

If I were a Kitchee parent, I would not accept the League's reprimand for coming onto the pitch after seeing the injury suffered by the Kitchee boy.   Kitchee should withdraw from the League in protest if the ruling is not revised.  

I thought that the League concluded in its earlier finding that "兩隊均沒有遵守和尊重比賽規則和指引,欠缺體育精神。"  But nothing is mentioned about this again here.  Strange?

The League decided that the referees failed to control the second half of the match.  Are the referees qualified?  If they really failed to control the match, is it because (or partly because) they had no power to give yellow and card cards?  What are the referees expected to do in a match like this?  To suspend the match immediately after seeing any foul?  To beg the players to play gentler or to beg the coaches to act?  Shouldn't the rules of the League be revised instead?

A warning was issued to the ESF coach for going onto the pitch, but no warning was issued for his failure or refusal to control his players.  I guess it means that in the eyes of the League, the ESF coach did not do anything wrong (other than going onto the pitch).  It's quite unbelievable.

Let's imagine that your kid is playing in a U12 match in the League in the future.  Everybody knows that the referee has no power to issue yellow or red cards, but he is nevertheless expected to control the match (and I don't know how).  The coaches have no duty or responsibility to control his players even if they see their 2 teams are kicking and killing each other (and not the football).  You as a parent can't go onto the pitch even if your kid gets a kick in the head.  The only action you could take is to report the case to the police afterwards.  Isn't this absurd?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-19 00:12 |只看該作者
To me, arrestment of a 10-year-old can never be good news. I am sadden it has to come to this. In fact, the one who was kicked suffers a great deal of pain emotionally and physically, but the one who was arrested would also suffer emotionally for a very long period of time. Sin and guilt will leave a deep emotional scar if he does not receive proper guidance from people around him.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-19 00:13 |只看該作者

回覆:Boy, 10, arrested over kick to head in soccer match - SCMP

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發表於 12-3-19 07:49 |只看該作者

回覆:alpham0m 的帖子


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-19 09:38 |只看該作者
alpham0m 發表於 12-3-19 00:12
To me, arrestment of a 10-year-old can never be good news. I am sadden it has to come to this. In fa ...
'the one who was arrested would also suffer emotionally for a very long period of time. Sin and guilt will leave a deep emotional scar. " 可能係,又可能是我們一廂情願的想法,踢得咁狠或多或少反映了這孩子的心態在某些方面已不再'孩子'


linseymom  agree!  發表於 12-3-21 10:52
manstap  Agree and support  發表於 12-3-19 13:51

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-19 09:44 |只看該作者
jenamy94 發表於 12-3-19 09:38
'the one who was arrested would also suffer emotionally for a very long period of time. Sin and guilt ...
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying he should "escape" his punishment or any consequence. I am just sad it has to come to this. Kids and adults alike all make mistakes. This 10-year-old in particular is learning it the hard way. I just hope both boys receive enough support and the one who kicked won't go down the wrong path because of this incident.


annie40  Yes, everyone is deserved a chance for correction, especially a kid 10 years old.  發表於 12-3-19 17:16

發表於 12-3-19 10:45 |只看該作者
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發表於 12-3-19 11:35 |只看該作者
回復 bobbycheung 的帖子

"The League decided that the referees failed to control the second half of the match.  Are the referees qualified?  If they really failed to control the match, is it because (or partly because) they had no power to give yellow and card cards?  What are the referees expected to do in a match like this?  To suspend the match immediately after seeing any foul?  To beg the players to play gentler or to beg the coaches to act?  Shouldn't the rules of the League be revised instead?"

The referee should have absolute and supreme power to control the match. It is strange to me that this is the regulation of this league! Any reason behind?

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-3-19 12:48 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 cowmoon 於 12-3-19 12:50 編輯

Really sad to hear that news. 點解事情一定要發展成為這樣呢?ESF 根本不是在保護那一位10歲小孩,ESF 只在意學校的聲譽,自己和員工(ESF Coach)的飯碗,結果弄至那一個10歲小孩自己去承擔所有的法律後果。還有那一個 HK Development League,不持平,只懂“走位”,“避重就輕”。


Christi  'ESF 根本不是在保護那一位10歲小孩,ESF 只在意學校的聲譽'>>can't agree more !  發表於 12-3-19 16:11

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-19 12:57 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-3-19 17:54 編輯
friendlyguy 發表於 12-3-19 11:35
回復 bobbycheung 的帖子

"The League decided that the referees failed to control the second half of  ...

傑志的伍健 said in his facebook that "......之前也跟大家分享過什麼是Development League,這是一個強調輕鬆,不計較賽果的比賽,讓球員在愉快的環境下享受足球比賽的樂趣。又由於比賽不重視勝負,所以亦不設紅黃牌的制度。如果發現球員打茅波,就由教練作出調節。..."   

So there is no league table saying how many points each team gets and there is no yellow or red card issued by the referee.  

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 12-3-19 17:29 |只看該作者
回復 bobbycheung 的帖子

A warning was issued to the ESF coach for going onto the pitch, but no warning was issued for his failure or refusal to control his players.  I guess it means that in the eyes of the League, the ESF coach did not do anything wrong (other than going onto the pitch).  It's quite unbelievable.
****    ****   ****
事件的处理手法太离奇, 难度要千人上街大游行. 拒交学费? 才能请位肥教练离职, 顺手换埋个CEO(both league and ESF).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-19 18:57 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-3-19 18:58 編輯

英基球員 涉踢波傷人被捕




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發表於 12-3-19 19:00 |只看該作者
狂踢倒地敵將頭 英基生被捕
【本報訊】網上流傳英基學校與傑志 12歲以下足球隊對賽期間,英基一名球員踢向已倒地的傑志球員頭部片段, 12歲姓潘的傑志球員受傷,潘父其後報警,警方於上周五以涉嫌襲擊致造成實際身體傷害罪,拘捕一名 10歲男童。潘父昨日指事件是英基教練求勝心切所致,認為教練及涉案男童都需負責任。
事發於本月 10日,潘父昨接受本報查詢時表示,其兒經醫生診斷,證實右邊下顎被踢傷,導致口腔嚴重受傷及有牙齒「鬆咗」,一度不想再踢足球,「不過家已經無事,同我講已經 ready好繼續比賽,只係食嘢仲有啲痛」。他和兒子於上周五到九龍城警署錄口供,他引述警方表示會拘捕涉案外籍男童,並安排潘童於周初到警署認人。

年僅 10歲 保釋候查
警方表示,被捕的 10歲男童獲准保釋候查,將於四月中返署報到,案件由九龍城警區刑事部跟進調查。英基發言人表示,事件已交警方處理,不作評論。對有批評指球隊教練求勝心切,英基會就作內部檢討。

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發表於 12-3-19 19:52 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-3-19 20:25 編輯


檢討甚麽?  有甚麽比這 case 更清楚更明顯?
I can't really figure out why 英基 handles the case this way.  Could it be that they can't admit the coach made a mistake because it could then lead to civil proceedings taken against the coach and  英基?  Insurance then wouldn't cover?  Or that 英基 doesn't want to open a can of worms by disclosing to the parents and the public how the players were coached to play the match in the first place?  

對英基處理 this case 的手法正由失望步向絕望!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-24 17:02 |只看該作者
回復 kenfu 的帖子

"ESF, in this case,  let us know it cannot perform well in education. In worse, ESF set up a very very bad example under problem solving, they only want to protect their school's name. " --- can't agree anymore.

發表於 12-3-24 18:17 |只看該作者

引用:回復+kenfu+的帖子 "ESF,+in+this+case,++

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發表於 12-3-25 00:28 |只看該作者
回復 madscientist 的帖子






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發表於 12-3-25 01:03 |只看該作者

回覆:Boy, 10, arrested over kick to head in soccer match - SCMP

I found it hard to draw a conclusion that all esf kids are rude. I remembered there was a news about a 皇仁學生偷嘢,does that mean all kids from 皇仁 are thieves?


alpham0m  Spot on! As a parent, I won't teach my kid to draw that kind of conclusion as I don't believe all kids from that school are thieves.  發表於 12-3-25 01:08
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